Crisis Booklet

“Tiny Hands that Hold My Heart” Hope & Inspiration Edition

These booklets are very effective tools for any ministry or organization that works with women facing unplanned pregnancies. Examples of ministries that have utilized Tiny Hands as part of their outreach include:

  • sidewalk counselors
  • crisis pregnancy centers
  • women’s prison ministries
  • women’s shelters
  • human trafficking ministries
  • schools, churches, youth groups

If you are active in any pro-life ministry, your organization can obtain the crisis booklets, in either English or Spanish.

An excerpt from the crisis pregnancy booklet:

Your pregnancy may be the result of a circumstance you could not control, you might have been given news from a doctor that the pregnancy is not progressing normally, or you might have just made a wrong decision and now you are facing a tough choice. Even if you feel your pregnancy is a mistake, no matter what the circumstance, know that God does not make mistakes. The baby growing inside you began because God chose that life, not because of a mistake.

As you will read in the following pages, the life growing inside you is a perfect creation from God – loved and adored by Him even before you found out you were pregnant. He will be with you and your baby throughout the pregnancy and after birth. He will never leave you. There is strength and encouragement in God’s word. As you read the next few pages, allow Him to be the strength you need during your pregnancy and beyond!

a message of hope

He will be with you and your baby throughout the pregnancy and after birth. He will never leave you.

“All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.” 
1 Corinthians 10:13 MES

a message of love

He loves you and your baby more than you can ever imagine, even during this time in your life!

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 
1 Peter 5:7 NLT

a message of life

The life growing inside you is a perfect creation from God – loved and adored by Him even before you found out you were pregnant.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; you works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139: 13-14 NIV

Testimony from a sidewalk counselor: “Just wanted to let you know that we had a very obvious save with your book. A father was handed the book (by my daughter who is 13) while his girlfriend went inside to have an abortion. He was clearly sad and felt powerless and sat back into his car. After he was handed the book we saw him looking through it. Someone else noticed that a lady was looking out the window, from the abortion clinic. She was talking to him on a cell phone as he was reading the book to her! She came out and they quickly left. Pregnancy intact. My daughter is over the moon that she may have saved that father the heartbreak that the death of a child brings, saving the baby and keeping this family intact. Glory be to God and thank you for this amazing tool!”

Contact Us

PO Box 5742, Concord, NC  28027